A Microform is a photographic reproduction of any material in a size too small to be read without magnification. It provides a way for libraries to collect material too old, bulky, or valuable to collect in the original forms, for example books, periodicals, dissertations, pamphlets, newspapers, manuscripts, government documents, etc.
Typical formats include microfilm (reels) and microfiche (flat sheets).
Microfilm is a photographic film on a reel containing images that have reduced in size. Microfilm reels can be found in the cabinets on the Lower Level of Stauffer Library and are organized mainly by call number (or microfilm number).
Microfiche is a flat, plastic sheet containing images, that have being reduced in size and need to be read on special machines. Microfiche is filed by number order and are housed in cabinets on the Lower Level of Stauffer Library.
Microcards are opaque 3 x 5 inch cards and are located on the Lower Level of Stauffer.Library.