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Mathematics & Statistics

Borrowing Books from other Libraries

There are two ways to borrow books from other libraries. In Omni, you may request any print book held by another Omni library. Exceptions include non-circulating books such as reference works and course textbooks and e-books. If the book is not available in an Omni library, you may request it using the interlibrary loan form in Omni. Queen's students and faculty may also borrow books in person from other Ontario university libraries. See our "Reciprocal Borrowing" guide for details.

Finding Books and E-books


Browsing the Stacks

Mathematics books are in the QA section located on 3S and 4S in the basement stacks. The major QA subclasses are listed below.

Call number range Description
QA1-43 General mathematics
QA47-59 Mathematical tables
QA71-90 Instruments and machines
QA101-145 Elementary mathematics. Arithmetic
QA150-272.5 Algebra
QA273-280 Probabilities. Mathematical statistics
QA299.6-433 Analysis
QA440-699 Geometry. Trigonometry. Topology
QA801-939 Analytic mechanics