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MEERL Program Library Guide

Research & Instruction Librarian

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Maggie Gordon
Douglas Library
Room 520
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Selected Writing Guides

Citation Management Tools

Citation managers are available to help you collect, organize, cite, and share references and sources (e.g. full-text articles). Tools such as EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero allow you to: 

  • Manage all of your sources in one place.
  • Upload and store full-text PDFs and other file types for your sources.
  • Generate formatted bibliographies in desired format.
  • Install plug-ins for word processors that allow you to insert citations from the reference manager as you write.
  • Organize your references into meaningful collection folders that may serve a variety of purposes.
  • Share collections with colleagues to collaborate in private or open groups.
  • Facilitate the removal of duplicate citations.

If you would like to learn more about citation management tools, visit our Citation Manager LibGuide or email us at to book a consultation with a librarian.

Citing & Citation Management

For detailed information on citing and citation management tools, please visit our Citing & Citation Management LibGuide. 

Citation Style Guides

There are many style guides used by publications, organizations and disciplines. Some examples of style guides used in environmental science include:

Student Academic Success Services

Student Academic Success Services (SASS) offers academic support to students who wish to develop their skills in critical thinking, reading, learning, studying, writing, and self-management. They welcome Queen’s undergraduate and graduate students at all stages of program completion and all levels of ability.

They offer individual appointments to enhance students’ academic skills and writing skills, support for students with English as an Additional Languageworkshops, outreach events, and online resources. SASS can help you: