Reference resources are a great place to begin your research as they give you background information on your topic. They can help you define terms as well as find overviews of topics, concepts and theories. They can also help you identify keywords or alternate terms for database searching. Many have helpful bibliographies that will point you to the key scholars in the field.
There are many different types of reference sources, which include dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, handbooks, and style manuals to name a few.
Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada
REF PS8015 .E53 2002
The Cambridge History of Canadian Literature
PS8061 .C345 2009
Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature
REF PS8015 .O94 1997
A History of Canadian Literature
REF PS8065 .N49 2003
Checklist of Canadian Literature and Background Materials, 1628-1960
REF Z1375 .W3 1972
Canadian Literature: recent essays
PR9114. C35 1994t (Stauffer Library Books)
A Reader's Guide to the Canadian Novel
REF PS8189 .M68 1987
George Woodcock's Introduction to Canadian Poetry
PS8141 .W66 1993 (Stauffer Library Books)
The Theatre of Form and the Production of Meaning: Contemporary Canadian Dramaturgies
PS8177 .K56 1999 (Stauffer Library Books)
Guide to Canadian English Usage
PE3235 F44 2007
The Dictionary of Canadian Quotations
REF PN6081 .D528 1991t
A Dictionary of of Canadianisms on historical principles : dictionary of Canadian English
PE3235 .D5 1991t (Special Collections)
Dictionnaire des Canadianismes
PC3637 .D815 1999t