"The Official Plan is the document in which the City of Kingston sets out its land use planning goals and policies that guide:
- physical development and redevelopment,
- protection of natural and cultural heritage,
- resource management, and
- necessary supporting infrastructure.
This Official Plan repeals and replaces the former City of Kingston Official Plan, and the Township of Kingston and Pittsburgh Township Official Plans, except for specified secondary plans.
The Planning Act requires that municipalities in Ontario adopt an Official Plan that is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. It is intended to guide development in Kingston until 2036, but will be reviewed every five years in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act and may be amended by the City to reflect changing circumstances or new priorities for resource protection, growth or redevelopment."
Why is this document relevant to you?
- Defines the City's land use (e.g. urban, rural, suburban, agricultural)
- Locates environmental features
- Acts as a “blueprint” for future city growth – part 2 contains “Climate change resiliency” section!
- Includes detailed city maps