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ENSC 430: Honours Projects in Environmental Sustainability

Honours Projects in Environmental Sustainability


Systematic reviews have a methods section that documents all aspects of the literature search.  Here's an example...

The Collaboration of Environmental Evidence has a journal called Environmental Evidence.  Let's take a look at a recent article,

The Methods section of this article describes the scope of the material found, the search terms, and the publication databases searched.  Here's the final search string they used:

(pressure OR threat OR risk OR stress OR footprint) AND (species OR ecosystem OR wildlife OR fauna OR flora OR {spp.} OR {sp.}) AND (hotspot* OR map* OR geographic* OR “gis” OR “spatial distribution” OR “spatial overlap” OR “spatial separation” OR “spatial dynamics” OR “spatial variation” OR “spatial framework” OR “spatially explicit” OR geospatial) AND (conservation OR biodiversity).

Supplemental documents provide a great detail of additional detail.  Check section 2.2 to see the list of keywords and their synonyms.  This corresponds in part to worksheet 1.