Systematic reviews have a methods section that documents all aspects of the literature search. Here's an example...
The Collaboration of Environmental Evidence has a journal called Environmental Evidence. Let's take a look at a recent article, The scope and extent of literature that maps threats to species: a systematic map protocol.
The Methods section of this article describes the scope of the material found, the search terms, and the publication databases searched. Here's the final search string they used:
(pressure OR threat OR risk OR stress OR footprint) AND (species OR ecosystem OR wildlife OR fauna OR flora OR {spp.} OR {sp.}) AND (hotspot* OR map* OR geographic* OR “gis” OR “spatial distribution” OR “spatial overlap” OR “spatial separation” OR “spatial dynamics” OR “spatial variation” OR “spatial framework” OR “spatially explicit” OR geospatial) AND (conservation OR biodiversity).
Supplemental documents provide a great detail of additional detail. Check section 2.2 to see the list of keywords and their synonyms. This corresponds in part to worksheet 1.