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American History


Consult biographical dictionaries to get brief information about people, dates and events. 
Black Women in America: an Historical Encyclopedia
REF E185.86 .B542 1993
Two volume comprehensive set looks at the lives and contributions of African American women from 1619 to 1992. Includes chronology and classified list.
Biography Index
REF Z5301 .B61 1946-2010/11
Concise Dictionary of American Jewish Biography
REF E184 .J5C563 1994 (Storage - Ask at Information Desk)
This two volume set contains about 24,000 terse entries, following the factual style of Who's Who rather than the lengthy narrative of many other biographical dictionaries.
Dictionary of American Biography
REF E176 .D5
Twenty-one volume set containing scholarly articles about prominent Americans who died prior to 1927. Seven supplements bring the coverage up to 1965.
Includes biographies, autobiographies, oral histories, reference works, manuscripts, and photographs.

Notable American Women: The Modern Period

"...background information, election results, cabinet members, notable events, and some points of interest on each of the presidents."
Who was Who in America
REF E663.W61
Library has from 1607 to 1985.
Who's Who in America
E663.W6 (Latest in REF)