For detailed information on finding primary sources in the humanities and social sciences go to the Primary Sources guide.
African American Newspapers (1827-1998)
African American Newspapers: The 19th century
African American Periodicals, 1825-1995
American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection
The AAS collection contains more than 6,500 historical periodical titles dating from 1693 to 1877.
Also check out the following subject guides for additional primary resources:
An American Civil War recruitment poster for the Lilly Hoosier Battery, posted by Colonel Eli Lilly in 1862.
World War I poster by American painter Kenyon Cox (1856-1919). "The sword is drawn, the Navy upholds it!"
Japanese Americans in front of poster with internment orders, War Relocation Authority.
"I Want You for the U.S. Army" by James Montgomery Flagg '(1917). Lithograph, Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division.