Consult bibliographies to find a comprehensive list of sources on a specific topic or a selective list of key works on a topic. To find out what bibliographies the Library has, do a subject search in Omni.
Canada History Bibliography
Women Canada History Bibliography
Bibliographia Canadiana 
A detailed bibliography of books and articles under broad chronological subject divisions published prior to 1971. Includes subject index.
Bibliography of Works on Canadian Foreign Relations 
(1945-1970) Z6465.C2P33
(1971-1975) Z6465.C2B35 1977
(1976-1980) Z6465.C2B36 1982
(1981-1985) Z6465.C2B37 1987
(1986-1990) Z6465.C2B38 1994
(1991-1995) Z6465.C2B39 1998
Includes articles, theses, government documents and conference papers. Organized by broad subject area, with name and subject indexes.
Canadian History: A Reader's Guide 
Z1382.C23 1994 (SL Compact)
Provides "a select and critical guide to historical writing about pre- and post-Confederation Canada".
Canadian Political Parties, 1867-1968: A Historical Bibliography 
Annotated bibliography dealing with Canada's federal political history. Indexes books, articles, and theses published before 1970. Author and subject indexes.
History of Canada: an Annotated Bibliography 
REF Z1382.H57
An annotated bibliography of journal articles relating to Canadian history and life.
The Atlantic Provinces: Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island 
Bibliographie de l'histoire du Quebec et du Canada=Bibliography of the History of Quebec and Canada 
1946-1965 REF + LP Z1382.A9 1987
1966-1975 REF + LP Z1382.A92 1981
1976-1980 REF + LP Z1382.A93 1985
1981-1985 LP Z1382.A94 1990
Includes citations to journal articles, books and dissertations in English and French covering all aspects of Canadian and Quebec history from pre European conquest to the present day. Subject index to all six volumes.
A Bibliography of British Columbia 
REF Z1392.B73S65
REF Z1392.B73L68
REF Z1392.B73E34
Three volumes separately titled:
Navigations, Traffiques and Discoveries, 1774-1848
Laying the Foundations, 1849-1899
Years of Growth 1900-1950
Annotated bibliographies include books, journal articles, yearbooks and directories.
Bibliography of Ontario History, 1867-1976 
REF Z1392.O6O67
Includes books, journal articles, theses and government documents dealing with Ontario history since 1867.
The Bibliography of Ontario History, 1976-1986 = La Bibliographie d'histoire ontarienne, 1976-1986 
REF Z1392.O6B52 1989
Successor to Bibliography of Ontario History, 1867-1976. REF Z1392 .O6 O67 1980
Includes "books and pamphlets relating to the Prairie Provinces arranged chronologically by date of publication with some exceptions". Has author, title and subject indexes. All items in this source are available on microfiche in Special Collections. They are not listed in Omni.
Historic Kingston is an blend of articles, photographs, illustrations and maps detailing various aspects of the rich heritage of Kingston.<
Western Canada since 1870: a Select Bibliography
REF Z1392.N7A77
A selective bibliography of books, journal articles, pamphlets and theses on Western Canada. Arrangement is topical with author and select subject index.