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Canadian History


Consult biographical dictionaries to get brief information about people, dates and events. .
Biography Index
REF Z5301.B61 (1946-2011)
Canadian Parliamentary Guide
CA1 X9 C16 (Government Documents) from 1873-
Brief biographies of current members of Parliament and the provincial legislatures. Election results from 1867 onwards included.
Canadian Who's Who (1910-2007, irregular)
REF F5003.C35 from 1910-
Provides "descriptions, with addresses, about the life, honours, profession, leisure interests of approximately 11,000 notable living Canadians each year, selected for inclusion on the basis of merit and position".
Online access to 15 print volumes, all searchable by keyword and some by profession and geographic region. Print volumes published so far cover the time period from 1000 to 1930. Each entry has bibliographical references. An individual's biography appears in the volume which includes his/her death date. Early volumes include an historical overview.
"With more than 1600 biographical sketches, the Dictionary covers over 300 years of Manitobans and Manitoba history". Personalities included are from the fields of politics, the arts, sports, commerce, agriculture and social life.
Dictionary of Newfoundland and Labrador Biography 
REF FC2155.D52 1990
Lists biographical information about 1,500 individuals who have influenced Newfoundland and Labrador history since 1497.
Macmillan Dictionary of Canadian Biography 
REF CT283.D52 1978
Provides sketches on prominent Canadians deceased before 1976.
Includes biographies, autobiographies, oral histories, reference works, manuscripts, and photographs.
Prime Ministers of Canada 
FC26.P7 P763 2002 (Special Collections-Lorne Pierce)
Provides a profile and a selected compilation of speeches by the prime Ministers of Canada

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The Dictionary of Canadian Biography documents persons who died between the years 1000 and 1930 (covering volumes 1-XV of the ongoing print version) or whose last known date of activity falls within these years.

From 1930 to 2000, there is limited biographical coverage.