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Teaching Media Literacy by Belinha S. De Abreu; Michelle Ciulla Lipkin (Foreword by); Denise E. Agosto (Preface by)Foreword by Michelle Ciulla Lipkin, Executive Director, National Association for Media Literacy Education Preface by Denise E. Agosto Though media literacy and information literacy are intertwined, there are important differences; and there has never been a more urgent need for an incisive examination of the crucial role librarians and other educators can play in teaching the skills necessary to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media. Media literate youth and adults are better able to understand the complex messages emanating from television, movies, radio, the internet, news outlets, magazines, books, billboards, video games, music, and all other forms of media. In this book, international expert De Abreu melds advice from a diverse array of practitioners and subject experts with her own research findings to examine how consuming media and technology impacts the learning of K-12 students, tackling such paramount issues as fake news/alternative facts; critical thinking digital literacy and digital citizenship; social inclusion and equity; global interconnectivity; and social justice and advocacy.
The Teacher's Guide to Media Literacy by Cynthia L. Scheibe; Faith RogowA Deeper Sense of Literacy is the first book to suggest that media literacy is both a content area and an approach to teaching that can be integrated into any subject area. It combines theory and practical application in a way that addresses the most important questions related to media literacy in education today: what is it, why is it important, how can you teach it across a wide range of curriculum areas and grade levels, and does it work? Rather than focusing on how to teach media literacy, Scheibe and Rogow focus on actually using media literacy to teach lessons across the content areas.
Call Number: Books (Education) P96.M4 S34 2012
ISBN: 9781412997584
Publication Date: 2011-11-08
Adolescents' Online Literacies by Donna E. Alvermann (Editor)Adolescents' Online Literacies: Connecting Classrooms, Digital Media, and Popular Culture is a compilation of new work that makes concrete connections between what the research literature portrays and what teachers, school librarians, and media specialists know to be the case in their own situations. The authors (educators and researchers who span three continents) focus on ways to incorporate and use the digital literacies that young people bring to school.
Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out by Mizuko Ito; Sonja Baumer; Matteo Bittanti; Danah Boyd; Rachel CodyAn examination of young people's everyday new media practices--including video-game playing, text-messaging, digital media production, and social media use. Conventional wisdom about young people's use of digital technology often equates generational identity with technology identity: today's teens seem constantly plugged in to video games, social networking sites, and text messaging. Yet there is little actual research that investigates the intricate dynamics of youths' social and recreational use of digital media. Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out fills this gap, reporting on an ambitious three-year ethnographic investigation into how young people are living and learning with new media in varied settings--at home, in after-school programs, and in online spaces. Integrating twenty-three case studies--which include Harry Potter podcasting, video-game playing, music sharing, and online romantic breakups--in a unique collaborative authorship style, Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out is distinctive for its combination of in-depth description of specific group dynamics with conceptual analysis.
Call Number: Books (Education) HQ799.2.M352 H36 2010, or online
ISBN: 0262258269
Publication Date: 2009-10-30
Media and Digital Literacies in Secondary School by Reijo KupiainenMedia and Digital Literacies in Secondary School examines young people's media practices and media literacies in school spaces where these practices mix in the school environment and learning in different ways. Young people bring their own media and literacy practices to the school as an important part of an identity, taste, and social life. These practices are changing school's media ecology, making school's physical boundaries more permeable, creating new, unofficial spaces in them, and transgressing the boundaries of private and public. This book highlights youth's media production practices, from photography and video making to fan fiction writing and online role-playing, which have different relations to the school, and shows how these practices make a dialog between informal and formal learning and that teachers have an important part in collaborative relationships with pupils when teachers encourage and motivate pupils and help them to understand media phenomena. The volume will be of particular interest to scholars and graduate students in the fields of education, new literacies, media and communication studies, media and art education, and youth studies.
Media Literacy, Social Networking, and the Web 2. 0 Environment for the K-12 Educator by Belinha S. De AbreuThis book, a resource for educators, uses the theme of media literacy as a lens through which to view and discuss social networking and Web 2.0 environments. There is ongoing and positive research on the participatory culture created by youth who are heavily involved in the new digital technologies, yet schools tend to avoid these mediums for fear of the unknown. Can students learn within this context? This book posits that indeed they can, using media literacy as a way to provide a framework for these mediated environments. The book serves as a forum for educators and those interested in the field of media literacy, digital, and social technologies, who seek to bridge curriculum connections as well as understand the online culture of students.
Critical Media Pedagogy by Ernest Morrell; Rudy Dueñas; Veronica Garcia; Jorge LópezThis practical book examines how teaching media in high school English and social studies classrooms can address major challenges in our educational system. The authors argue that, in addition to providing underserved youth with access to 21st-century learning technologies, critical media education will help improve academic literacy achievement in city schools. Critical Media Pedagogy presents first-hand accounts of teachers who are successfully incorporating critical media education into standards-based lessons and units. The book begins with an analysis of how media have been conceptualised and studied; it identifies the various ways that youth are practicing media, as well as how these practices are constantly increasing in sophistication. Finally, it offers concrete examples of how to develop a rigorous, standards-based content area curriculum that embraces new media practices and features media production.
Call Number: Books (Education) LC5141 .M67 2013
ISBN: 9780807754382
Publication Date: 2013-05-30
UnSpun by Brooks Jackson; Kathleen Hall JamiesonThe founders of FactCheck.org teach you how to identify and debunk spin, hype, and fake news in this essential guide to informed citizenship in an age of misinformation. Americans are bombarded daily with mixed messages, half-truths, misleading statements, and out-and-out fabrications masquerading as facts. The news media is often too intimidated, too partisan, or too overworked to keep up with these deceptions. unSpun is the secret decoder ring for the twenty-first-century world of disinformation. Written by Brooks Jackson and Kathleen Hall Jamieson, the founders of the acclaimed website FactCheck.org,unSpun reveals the secrets of separating facts from disinformation, such as: * the warning signs of spin * common tricks used to deceive the public * how to find trustworthy and objective sources of information Telling fact from fiction shouldn't be a difficult task. With this book and a healthy dose of skepticism, anyone can cut through the haze of political deception and biased eportage to become a savvier, more responsible citizen. Praise for unSpun "Read this book and you will not go unarmed into the political wars ahead of us. Jackson and Jamieson equip us to be our own truth squad, and that just might be the salvation of democracy." --Bill Moyers "The definitive B.S. detector--an absolutely invaluable guidebook."--Mark Shields, syndicated columnist and political analyst, NewsHour with Jim Lehrer "unSpun is an essential guide to cutting through the political fog."--Mara Liasson, NPR national political correspondent "The Internet may be a wildly effective means of communication and an invaluable source of knowledge, but it has also become a new virtual haven for scammers-financial, political, even personal. Better than anything written before, unSpun shows us how to recognize these scams and protect ourselves from them."--Craig Newmark, founder and customer service representative, Craigslist
Call Number: Books (Education) BF637.D42 J33 2007
ISBN: 9781400065660
Publication Date: 2007-04-24
Media Literacy Is Elementary by Jeff ShareThis book provides a practical and theoretical look at how media education can make learning and teaching more meaningful and transformative. It explores the theoretical underpinnings of critical media literacy and analyzes a case study involving an elementary school that received a federal grant to integrate media literacy and the arts into the curriculum. The ideas and experiences of working teachers are analyzed through a critical media literacy framework that provides realistic challenges and hopeful examples and suggestions. The book is a valuable addition to any education course or teacher preparation program that wants to promote twenty-first century literacy skills, social justice, civic participation, media education, or critical technology use. Communications classes will find it useful as it explores and applies key concepts of cultural studies and media education.
Call Number: Books (Education) P96.M4 S53 2009
ISBN: 9781433103926
Publication Date: 2008-12-04
Mediacology by Antonio LópezTraditional media literacy models are mostly left-brained, inherited from the legacy of alphabetic literacy, the Gutenberg press revolution, and industrial mass media production. New digital media radically alter the environment: their nonlinear, multisensory, field-like properties are more right-brain oriented. Consequently, rather than focus exclusively on deconstructing the products of design objects (such as an advertisement «text»), digital learning should respond to the design of the system itself, including cultural and cognitive bias. Mediacology proposes a design-for-pattern approach called «media permaculture», which restructures media literacy to be in sync with new media practices connected with sustainability and the perceptual functions of the right brain hemisphere. In the same way that permaculture approaches gardening by establishing the natural parameters of its ecological niche, media permaculture explores the individual's «mediacological niche» in the context of knowledge communities. By applying bioregional thinking to the symbolic order, media permaculture redresses the standard one-size-fits-all literacy model by taking into account diverse cognitive strategies and emerging convergence media practices. Antonio López applies a practical knowledge of alternative media, cross-cultural communication, and ecology to build a meaningful theory of media education.
Call Number: Books (Education) P96.M4 L67 2008
ISBN: 9780820497075
Publication Date: 2008-04-29
Digital Community, Digital Citizen by Jason B. OhlerAn all-inclusive roadmap to citizenship in the 21st Century Best-selling author, educator, and futurist Jason Ohler challenges all readers to redefine our roles as citizens in today's globally connected infosphere. His text aligns the process of teaching digital citizenship with the ISTE standards definition, and uses an "ideal school board" device to address fears, opportunities, and the critical issues of character education. These issues include: Cyberbullying, "sexting," and other safety concerns Students' ability to creatively access and critically assess information Respect and ethics regarding copyrighted information Communicating appropriately in an expanded and public realm
Digital Learning by Ferdi SerimAn essential resource for teaching and assessing student's use of technology This comprehensive book offers a practical pathway for developing twenty-first-century skills while simultaneously strengthening content-area learning. Digital Learning contains a wealth of research-based practices to integrate the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) National Education Technology Standards (NETS) for both students and teachers. Each of the suggested project-based learning examples (in Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Geography) can be used successfully as stand-alone units, but are even more effective when approached in a cross-disciplinary way. Provides detailed descriptions of each of the NETS, how to teach them, and how to know if students are meeting them Includes dozens of activities that integrate the NETS with each content area and align with Common Core standards Gives clear instruction on teaching twenty-first-century skills Includes a complementary DVD with video interviews and project maps to help see how students are progressing The digital learning described in this book has been created to meet the diverse needs of students in a variety of situations.
Media Literacy in the K-12 Classroom by Frank W. BakerIn Media Literacy in the K-12 Classroom, Frank W. Baker will show you how you can bring media literacy into your classroom--whether that classroom is English language arts, social studies, health, or any other subject--and teach students skills that enable them to become knowledgeable media consumers and producers. With the many examples, advice, and classroom activities he provides, you can immediately make this important topic a part of everyday education.
Handbook of Research on New Media Literacy at the K-12 Level by Leo Tan Wee (Editor); R. Subramaniam (Editor)Technological advancements have greatly impacted and shaped what has now become the educational system through the convergence of curriculum and technology particularly in the expansion of traditional forms of literacy. ""The Handbook of Research on New Media Literacy at the K-12 Level: Issues and Challenges"" provides comprehensive articles on significant issues, methods, and theories currently combining the studies of technology and literacy. Through analysis by international experts of updated and relevant theories and developments, this must-have reference book presents academicians, field researchers, and scholars with a compendium of unsurpassed research into the new media literacy field.