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Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur

Finding Bibliographies

Bibliographies are useful for finding the most important publications on a given topic and can range from the general to the specific. There are specialized bibliographies on individual authors, genres, topics and periods. 

To find bibliographies in Omni, search by keyword by typing bibliography or reference guide and topical keyword.

romance? AND medieval AND bibliography
(medieval OR middle) AND romance? AND english AND bibliography

Or search the subject heading adding the sub-heading bibliography if available.

Arthurian romances--Bibliography
English literature--Middle English, 1100-1500--Bibliography
Romances, English--History and criticism--Bibliography                     

Specialized Bibliographies

Arthurian Legend and Literature : an Annotated Bibliography
Z8045 .R45 1984

Bibliographical Bulletin by International Arthurian Society     
PN57 .A6 Z952 (v..20 1968-v.46 1994)

Bibliographies like Oxford Bibliographies offer authoritative research guides helping you to narrow the vast number of citations to the best scholarship on a given topic.

Check the research guides: Medieval Studies and British and Irish Literature as well as specific essays on Sir Thomas Malory, King Arthur, Arthurian Literature, Arthurian Romance to name a few.