Search Omni to find books of criticism, biographies, bibliographies, concordances, literary glossaries, dictionaries, and encyclopedias on literary works.
Subject headings allow you to search the library catalogue for resources on a particular author or topic and are often more productive than keyword searches.
Keyword searches work best if you have multiple concepts or topics. Use the results to find relevant titles and identify assigned subject headings for your topic in order to find similar books.
To find critical writings about a specific work, you can search Omni by either keyword or subject heading. For example:
To find criticisms on a specific work, search Omni by keyword:
"morte darthur" And criticism
or, search by subject heading (Malory) and look at hits retrieved under the subject heading and specific subdivisions.
malory thomas sir active 15th century criticism and interpretation
malory thomas sir active 15th century morte d'arthur
malory thomas sir active 15th century morte d'arthur political and social views
white t h
white t h (terence hanbury) 1905-1964 Once and future king.
To find books concerning a particular mode or genre in a particular language or period, search the mode or genre by subject heading. This will give you a list of more specific subject headings from which you can choose. Some examples include:
Arthurian romances
Arthurian romances--Adaptations
Arthurian romances--History and criticism
Arthurian romances--Illustrations
Civilization, Medieval in literature
English language--Middle English, 1100-1500
English literature--Middle English, 1100-1500
English literature--Middle English,1100-1500--Criticism, Textual
Medieval literature
Romances English--Criticism, Textual
Other Arthurian or medieval topics or characters:
Arthur King
Arthur King--in literature
Arthur King--Legends
Courtly love
Guenevere queen (legendary character)
Knights and knighthood
Lancelot (legendary character)
Merlin (legendary character)
Tristan (legendary character)
Once you have found call numbers for a few promising books, go to the stacks, where you will find other related titles.
Selected subject headings for an overview of the historical period include:
Fifteenth century
Great Britain--History--Medieval
period, 1066-1485
Great Britain--History--1066-1687
Browsing the library shelves is another strategy for locating information on a topic.
Most books related to this subject are located in the call number ranges PR2040-2049, PR251-275, PR328.