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Public Health

Guide to library research for evidence-informed public health practice.

Recommend a Book for Purchase

Know of a good/helpful book that the library should consider purchasing? Complete the Recommend a New Collection Acquisition form.

Request Book Content Not Available from the Library

If the library does not provide access to the book/chapter that you are trying to access, you can request a book/chapter via the library’s interlibrary loan service:

  • Complete a request using the Blank Request Form.
  • You will be asked to select a Pickup Location, however scanned chapters will be sent electronically.
  • Generally, there is no charge for this service. If any charges arise, you will be contacted by the interlibrary loans department prior to your request being processed.


  • Use the library discovery tool Omni to search the library's collection of books in print and online (ebooks).
  • You can also search for ebook content available from the AccessMedicine ebook collection (you can search by topic or choose from different specialties listed under the Library view, e.g., "Public Health").
  • Lower down the page are links to selected public health books available at Queen's University Library (check Omni for the most recent book content).

eBook Collections

eBooks - Quick Reference