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Public Health

Guide to library research for evidence-informed public health practice.

Requesting Journal Articles Not Available from the Library

If the library does not provide access to the articles you are trying to retrieve, you can request full-text articles via the library’s interlibrary loan service:

  • Complete a request using the Blank Request Form.
  • You will be asked to select a Pickup Location, however PDFs will be sent electronically.
  • The turnaround time for receiving PDFs via email can be as quick as one or two business days, however, if the article is quite dated, it might take longer to track down and receive.
  • Generally, there is no charge for this service. If any charges arise, you will be contacted by the interlibrary loans department prior to your request being processed.


The library discovery tool Omni can be used to discover journal titles available in print and online, or to search for journal articles (note: it may be more efficient to search for journal articles using bibliographic databases or Google Scholar).

Discover Journal Titles

Use the library discovery tool Omni to discover the library's collection of journal titles available in print and online (ejournals).

Retrieve the Full Text for a Particular Journal Article

If you want to retrieve the full text for a particular journal article, you can simply search the article title in Omni.

  • Even if Queen's University Library does not provide access to the article, you can request it from another library directly within Omni (note: you'll need to sign-in with your NetID and password to do this). 

Find Journal Articles on a Particular Topic

  • If you want to find journal articles on a particular topic, you can do a keyword search in Omni and then limit to "Articles".
    • Note: by default, Omni retrieves search results from Queen's and other libraries.
    • Even if Queen's University Library does not provide access to articles of interest, you can request articles from another library directly within Omni (note: you'll need to sign-in with your NetID and password to do this). 
  • Searching Omni for journal articles can be a bit unwieldy because of the huge number of records being searched. You may find it easier to search for articles using bibliographic databases or Google Scholar.