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Deposit your Thesis to QSpace

To complete your degree requirements you must submit the final version of your thesis to QSpace. To do this, navigate to the Queen's Graduate Theses and Dissertations community in QSpace and login using your student NetID and Password using the Login with your Queen's Account button. Note: Do not sign in using your staff NetID, as you will not be able to complete the deposit process. 

After logging in, start the submission process by selecting "new" and "item" from the sidebar on the left side of the page. Select the "Queen's Graduate Theses and Dissertations" collection. This collection will appear first on the list if you are submitting from the collection homepage

Submission Instructions

The Submit Your Thesis form has five steps.


You must provide the required metadata to describe your thesis. Theses submitted to QSpace are Open Access meaning they are accessible to anyone with web access and without restriction once they’ve been approved by the School of Graduate Studies. You may have a need or a requirement to temporarily restrict access to your thesis.

To restrict your thesis for up to 5 years, enter a reason in the “Restriction Reason” text box. To learn more read Restriction of Thesis.


Prior to uploading your thesis you must:

  • Format it as an accessible pdf. Use the Accessible Documents guide from the University’s Accessibility Hub to learn how to create an accessible PDFs.
  • Use this file naming convention: LastName_FirstName_MiddleInitial_YYYYMM_DegreeAcronym.pdf.

Prior to uploading your supplementary file you must:

  • Ensure it has been approved by your thesis examining committee and supervisors.
  • Use this file naming convention – Supplementary_file-type_ LastName_FirstName_MiddleInitial_YYYYMM_DegreeAcronym.pdf.
  • Note that supplementary files consisting of research data should be deposited to Queen's Dataverse repository, Borealis. Please visit our Dataverse deposit guidelines for more information and support options.

Degrees acronyms are PHD, MA, MED, MES, LLM, MSC, MASC, MPL.

CC License

You have the option to select a Creative Commons (CC) License. We recommend using the "interational" jusidiction when you select license type. Find out more about CC licenses on our Copyright & Author's Rights webpage. 

Queen's Theses Deposit Licenses

To maximize the reach and exposure of your research and as a completion of degree requirement, Queen's graduate students must deposit their FINAL revised and approved thesis to QSpace  

Once your thesis has been deposited to QSpace, Queen’s University Library will also deposit your thesis, on your behalf to: Library and Archives Canada, Theses Canada Portal: This is a national archive of Canadian Graduate Theses and Dissertation. To facilitate the dissemination of your thesis via these valuable channels and as a completion of degree requirement each student must agree to deposit their thesis to QSpace and Library and Archives Canada under the terms of the following license listed here, during deposit to QSpace:

*Note: the ‘publishing option’ noted in this agreement refers to any embargo period you would like to request on access to the full-text of your thesis.  


Select Deposit to complete your submission. Your submission is now complete and pending approval. Once approved, you can track its impact by searching for your work in QSpace and selecting 'View Statistics'.

Note: You can also save your submission by selecting "Save for later". This will allow you to login and complete your submission at a later time. 


If you have questions about the submission process please contact an Open Scholarship specialist at

If you have questions about meeting your degree requirement go to Completing Your Degree or contact Rose Silva, Thesis Coordinator, School of Graduate Studies at