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SOCY 225: Globalization

Finding Books

Search Omni to find materials (such as books, videos, journals, newspapers and government documents) available, in print and online, at Queen’s University Library and our academic partner libraries throughout Ontario. 

Search tips:

  • Search by Author (this option is available in Advanced Search):  last name first name
  • Search by Title: omit initial articles (the, a, an, le, la…)
  • Search by Journal (Periodical) Title: eg Canadian journal of sociology
  • Search by Keyword (“and” is automatically placed between words)
  • Search by Keyword Boolean (this option is available in Advanced Search): AND OR NOT "a phrase" 

To narrow the scope of your search you can join together your search terms (keywords) using special sets of predefined words, known as “Boolean operators.” Boolean operators are used to indicate the relationship(s) between words/concepts. They are: [and, or, not, “a phrase”]. In addition, there are special characters (such as “*” for truncating on the root of a word) that allow you to perform more sophisticated searches.

Combine the term globalization with the sub-topic you are researching, such as:

  • globalization AND marriage
  • globalization AND religion
  • globalization AND (labour OR labor OR work)
  • globalization AND "social movements"

Once you have located a book of interest through a title, author or keyword search, if a subject heading(s) describes what you are looking for, click on it to find additional items on your topic or use the subject headings for other words to use in your keyword searches.