Rectangle album page with curly-bracket edge
Rectangle album page with file tab
Square with fancy edges, square with ridged edges, variety of curly brackets
Scalloped rectangle scrapbook pocket, triangle scrapbook pocket, large flourish, medium and small s-shaped flourishes
Photo corners, square with scalloped edges, circle with scalloped edges
Square with curly-bracket edges, small rectangle with curly-bracket edges, small circle with scalloped edges, fancy hinges, square hinges, scalloped photo corner, variety of shaped buckles
Square album page, loopy border
Square album page, variety of square and curly brackets
Square album page with top or bottom tab
Square album page with fold-out triangle edge, large square bracket
Square album page with middle tab
Square album page with square corners, lace border
Rectangle album page with scalloped edges
Half-circle album page
Photo frame stand
Photo frame
Lace hearts, hearts with frames
Hearts with frames, various small hearts
Trumpet, cello, snare drum, crossed drumsticks
Saxophone, tuba, piano
Treble clef, bass clef, sharp sign, flat sign
Quarter note, half note, small eighth notes, large eighth note, sixteenth note, dot, whole notes
Whole or half rest, quarter rest, eighth rest
Bear paw quilt pattern, heart quilt pattern
Star quilt pattern