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Tools for Teachers

Button Maker



The Education Library has a button maker to support the needs of our students, staff, and faculty. 

To book time with the button maker: 

  • Visit our Service Desk Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm to book a time 


  • Send us an email to book a time: 

  • Try to give us at least 1 day’s advance notice for your booking 

  • Your booking will include both time with the button machine and a staff member who will make the buttons for you 

  • The cost to students, staff and faculty is free, up to maximum of 30 buttons per month 

  • You are responsible for providing your own artwork for your button(s) 

  • The library has the tools to cut your custom image into the proper size for both the 2.25” and 1.25” buttons. 


Don't Forget Your Artwork

Please bring your own art, whether this be a printed image or a cut-out from a magazine. Get creative!

For sizing, we recommend using our templates below. You can print and distribute the blank circles for custom designs or add a pre-existing image to the document and fit it behind the circle template. If you will need to print your artwork at the library, please see our printing instructions.