Various balloons, balloons with frame, award, award with frame
Various 2D and 3D pennants
Love, joy, thanks, wish, birthday, tiered cake, birthday cakes
Cupid, shamrock, ghost, witch
Pumpkin, jack-o-lantern
Snowman, gingerbread man, Santa Claus
3D sleigh
3D reindeer, Christmas tree with frame
Tiers of large pine tree
Maple leaf
North America
South America
Boy, girl
Man, toddler
Large house, small house, window panes, window cut out, house with door
Top hat, purse, crown, dress
Church, church window, cross, celtic cross
Wise man, shepherd
Joseph, Mary, baby Jesus, manger
Menorah, candle
Large cross, praying hands
Train, anchor, sailboat
Car, truck, police car, fire truck
Airplane, helicopter, rocket ship
US Capitol, Greek ruins, Taj Mahal
Castle, Sphinx
Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, pagoda
Police officer, Thunderbird
Trojan mascot, Greek warrior
Indian woman, Egyptian woman, African woman