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Water Resources

Research & Instruction Librarian

Profile Photo
Maggie Gordon
Douglas Library
Room 520
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Finding Books

The library has an extensive print and eBook collection that includes monographs, edited collections, memoirs, biographies, and more. All of these titles can be found by searching the library catalogue in Omni

You may also have some luck browsing the shelves. Start with the call numbers below, which are where most books on water are located. Books are located on the 1st and 2nd level of Douglas Library

Browsing the Stacks

Call Number Subject
GB651-2998 Hydrology, water
GB980-2998 Ground and surface waters

Watersheds, runoff, drainage

GB1001-1199.8 Ground water, hydrogeology
GB1201-1598 Rivers, stream measurements
GB1601-2398 Lakes, limnology, ponds, lagoons
GB2401-2598 Ice, glaciers, ice sheets, sea ice
GB2601-2798 Snow, snow surveys
GB2801-2998 Hydrometeorology
TD201-500 Water supply for domestic and industrial purposes
TD419-428 Water pollution
TD429.5-480.7 Water purification, water treatment and conditioning, saline water conversion
TD481-493 Water distribution systems



Use Omni to search the library's catalogue for books, articles, videos, maps, government documents, music, data sets, open access materials, and more. You can discover materials that are not available at Queen's but that you can freely request either within Omni or through interlibrary loan. 


Take a look at the bibliography of journal articles that you find, or that an instructor has assigned to you. Often, you will find references to relevant and seminal books related to your research topic.