Many of the library's reference materials are available online, so you can access them from anywhere and easily search for the information you need. We also have print materials in the Reference Section on the 5th Level of Douglas Library. If you have any questions about using reference materials, or would like a librarian to help you find the best sources, email
Knovel is a searchable database of more than 5,000 engineering and applied science handbooks and other reference works.
Content includes process and design information, best practices, life cycle assessment, standards, interactive graphs and tables, material and substance properties data, and equations and formulations for specific industries and engineering disciplines.
Date Coverage: Varies by title
Use Omni to search the library's catalogue for books, articles, videos, maps, government documents, music, data sets, open access materials, and more. You can discover materials that are not available at Queen's but that you can freely request either within Omni or through interlibrary loan.