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Evaluating Research Impact Using Altmetrics

Research Administrators

Research administrators may use altmetrics to:

  • Showcase the achievements of the institution to other stakeholders such as students, collaborators, new employees and other international peers.
  • Support researchers in applying for funding awards by effectively demonstrating the potential reach in influence of their research.
  • Benchmark the achievements of departments and/or research units within the institution.
  • Identify potential collaborators at other institutions with whom to partner with on grant applications and other projects.

Media Relations

Media relations staff may use altmetrics to:

  • Highlight research produced by the institution that has achieved public engagement and discussion, for example, interaction with a blog post about a major research study or award.
  • Determine whether press campaigns about my institution’s research outputs have been successful and reached the intended audience.
  • Identify popular and potentially topical papers or research focus' to cover. 

Adapted from: Outputs of the NISO Alternative Assessment Metrics Project. A Recommended Practice of the National Information Standards Organization, NISO RP-25-2016.