The govinfo site provides public access to official publications from the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. federal government. The scope is broad, but coverage is generally better the more recent the timeframe. You can get a better idea of what is available by browsing the collection by category. The govinfo site replaced FDSys in December 2018.
Top-level access points
USA.gov is the official portal to U.S. Government information and services. You can browse by topic, and also access more information about:
Legislative Branch (makes laws)
Executive Branch (carries out laws)
Judicial Branch (interprets laws)
United States Government Manual
The The United States Government Manual contains descriptions for the services and programs of the various agencies of the three branches of government, including lists of individuals holding key leadership roles. It also contains a history of U.S. government agency organizational changes.
Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
- Regulations
- Federal Register (National Archives)
Provides access to the official text of Federal Laws, Presidential Documents, and Administrative Regulations and Notices. It also administers the Electoral College and the Constitutional amendment Process.
- Federal Register Library
Coverage begins in 1936 and includes the CFR (1938-current), Official U.S. Bulletin (1917-1919), United States Government Manual (1935-current), Daily and Weekly Compliation of Presidential Documents (1965-current).
- Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
- Code of Federal Regulations
- Compilation of Presidential Documents
Complied in Title 3 of the Code of Federal Regulations
- U.S. Presidential Library (via HeinOnline)
Includes Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Public Papers of the Presidents, CFR Title 3 (Presidents), Daily and Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, and other documents related to the U.S. Presidents.
Judiciary Branch
How laws are made
Issues and policies - Congressional Research Service (CRS)
U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Canada