The Queen's University Library has a number of Indigenous language resources in its collection, but they can be difficult to find. They're difficult to locate for several reasons, mainly in the inadequacies of the Library of Congress Classification Scheme in its cataloguing of Indigenous materials, and because many Indigenous nations, and therefore Indigenous languages, go by several names. Anishinaabemowin is an example of this: some language materials would come up if you were to search Anishinaabemowin, but some may be catalogued as Ojibwa, Ojibway, Ojibwe, or Chippewa.
A good first step for finding Indigenous language materials is discovering what subject headings for the language are in Omni. You can do this by browsing by subject.

For example, if you were looking for materials in Anishinaabemowin, you may try searching for different names for that language.

Clicking on a subject heading will show you the holdings within it, as seen here.

If you intend to find all materials in a particular language, going through each subject heading is advised. Alternatively, you could try putting together an Advanced Search that covers all the material that you're looking for. Still, knowing what subject headings exist will help you develop your search.
You are also able to limit your results. In this example, some subject headings have been eliminated, but the this function can be used for other categories, including date, author, and others.