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Find Song Titles

Search a song title in Simple or Advanced Search in Omni using quotation marks: - e.g. "il pleure dans mon coeur".

Use the Song Index to help locate songs from published collections/anthologies housed in the music collection stacks. If title access does not yield the song (since the search string is followed literally), try searching only by the composer's last name.

Music Collection Call Numbers

Floorplan: Stauffer 2nd floor Music Collection. Items are arranged according to the Library of Congress Classification.

Generally, items are shelved alphabetically in author order within each subject class number. 

  • M - Scores. Scores are shelved in 3 sections, by size: miniature (study scores), regular stacks and oversize.
  • ML - Books on music literature, history and criticism. The BIOGRAPHY/CRITICISM number for composers is ML410. Books are grouped in alphabetical order by the biographee/subject. e.g. Bruckner ML410 .B88
  • MT - Books on Music Theory, Teaching/pedagogy or Technique for instrumental/vocal study