Selected musical terms of non-Western cultures : a notebook-glossary / Walter Kaufmann
Blacks in Classical Music II by John Gray (2023)
People of African descent have been active in Western art music since its inception. Black performers were valued members of court orchestras starting in the early 1500s, and since the 18th century have been acclaimed as both performers and composers in locales ranging from Europe and the United States to sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America. However, this rich legacy remains little known. This monumental new work seeks to correct that oversight. Draws on three decades of research to survey the vast amount of print, digital and archival material that has emerged since the late 1980s. Fully annotated and cross-referenced it offers a comprehensive overview of all scholarly writings on the subject as well as a more selective representation of reportage from the mainstream and Black press.
Handbook of music terms / Parks Grant
Music Ref. ML108 .G844 H3
Historical sets, collected editions, and monuments of music : a guide to their contents. 3rd ed. / compiled by Anna Harriet Heyer.
Music reference and research materials : an annotated bibliography / V.H. Duckles, I. Reed. 5th ed.
Stauffer Ref. ML113 .D83 1997 and copy in Music Stacks
RISM (International Inventory of Musical Sources)
Terminorum musicae index septem linguis redactus / Polyglot dictionary of musical terms (1978)
Music Ref. ML108 .T4
Encyclopedia of Native American Music of North America / Elaine Keillor, Tim Archambault, and John M.H. Kelly
New Oxford history of music
ML160 .N44 10 vols.
Oxford Bibliographies Online - Music
Web access via Oxford Music Online to the print edition of The Oxford companion to music / Alison Latham, ed.Ref. ML100 .O94 2002t in Music Reference
Successor to Percy Scholes' Oxford companion to music and Denis Arnold's The New Oxford companion to music.
The Oxford history of Western music / Richard Taruskin.
Music Ref. ML160 .T18 2005 6 vols.
Oxford Reference Online - Music