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MUTH 110: The Republic to Rationalism: History, Arts, and Performance I

Journal Citation

How to analyze a journal citation

Murata, Margaret. "Classical tragedy in the history of early opera in Rome." Early Music History: Studies In Medieval And Early Modern Music 4, (January 1, 1984): 101-134.

The citation refers to an article in a journal.

Tip: Search Omni by Journal Search to see if Queen's Library subscribes to the journal early music history.  Omit initial articles (the, an, a), if any.  Ignore punctuation and case.

Relevant Journals

Many good articles for MUTH 110 will be found in subject-specific or interdisciplinary journals. Here's a sampling of titles:

Check Omni under Journal Search (top bar) or by Title in Advanced Search to see if a journal is in print or electronic format at Queen's.

The Classical World
Early music history
Early theatre
Eighteenth-century music
Journal of seventeenth century music
Plainsong & medieval music
Restoration and 18th century theatre research
Theatre history studies
Women & music: a journal of gender and culture
All Queen's Journals
check here for Online by Category or search a title

Article indexes and databases

Find citations of journal articles or book chapters on your topic in an article index or subject-specific database.  Use the web proxy to access electronic journals and databases from off-campus.

Nota bene: Once you find a useful citation, search Omni for the source journal or book title containing the article you need: i.e the title of the whole book or the whole journal in which the article can be found.

Some databases provide PDF full text articles, or contain links to the full text if it is available via other databases in our collection. Look for the External Link Icon button, but if we don't have the full text option, try Omni to see if the article is available in a print journal.

Can't find the article you need at Queen's either in print or electronically?  Try our interlibrary loan service.  But remember to start your research early! Please note: print ILL requests have been discontinued during COVID-19 until further notice, but requests for e-books or e-articles are possible.

Relevant Databases for MUTH110

America: History and Life Canadian resource (covers also Indigenous populations in Canada, U.S., Mexico)

Année philologique (Comprehensive index to scholarly research in classical studies, covering Second millennium B.C. - 800 A.D)

Art Abstracts (Index to scholarly journal articles on art and related disciplines (anthropology, architecture, design, video art, etc.) 

Art Index Retrospective (Index to scholarly art journals and other materials published prior to 1985. Can be searched simultaneously with Art Abstracts)

Film and Television Literature Index (Comprehensive bibliographic database to film and television literature.

Gender Studies Database (interdisciplinary topics related to gender studies)

Historical Abstracts (Comprehensive index to the world's historical literature (except Canada and the United States) from 1450 to the present. Indexes journal articles, selected books and dissertations).

International Bibliography of Art (IBA, continues BHA) (European art since late antiquity; American art since the colonial period; global art since 1945; fine art in all media; decorative arts and antiques; museum studies and conservation; archaeology and material culture; folk art; architectural history)

IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (areas include anthropology, art, cultural studies, gender studies, geography, race and ethnic studies, religious studies, sociology)

International Bibliography of Theatre and Dance (selective articles with full-text)

International Medieval Bibliography (search as well as Iter below)

Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance

A bibliography of books, journal material, dissertation abstracts and essays in books (including conference proceedings, Festschriften, encyclopedias and exhibition catalogues) for the study and teaching of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700).

MLA International Bibliography (Comprehensive index to scholarly writing on literature, language, linguistics, literary criticism, folklore, drama, literary genres, etc.)

Music Index Online (citations to historiographic, ethnographic and musicological information, including music personages, the history of music, forms and types of music, musical instruments from the earliest times to modern electronic instruments, and computer-produced music. Can be searched simultaneously with RILM)

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Comprehensive, scholarly, international index to music literature, from Western and Eastern classical to pop, folk, and jazz. Can be searched simultaneously with Music Index Online).

Evaluating Journal Articles

Journal articles are important as they contain the most-up-to-date research in a given field and often focus on a particular aspect of a topic.

Consult our guide  Distinguishing Scholarly Journals from Other Periodicals, to help evaluate whether an article is peer-reviewed—i.e., if it has gone through an anonymous formal vetting and editing process—or decide which journal articles will be useful for your essay.

See Evaluating, Writing and Citing for other information on evaluating sources.

Interdisciplinary Journal Databases

JSTOR (ejournal archive to entire "backrun" of many core academic journals in the humanities, social sciences, business, and law, from v. 1 to within 2-5 years of current volume).

Project MUSE (initially a joint project of the Johns Hopkins University Press and the Milton S. Eisenhower Library at JHU, providing digital humanities and social sciences content since 1995 from leading university presses and scholarly societies)