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MUTH 110: The Republic to Rationalism: History, Arts, and Performance I

Book citation

How to analyze a book citation

Petersen, Nils Holger. "Representation in European Devotional Rituals: The Question of the Origin of Medieval Drama in Medieval Liturgy." In Origins of Theater in Ancient Greece and Beyond, edited by Eric Csapo, Margaret C. Miller, 329-60. Cambridge University Press, 2007.

The citation refers to a chapter in an edited book.
Tip: Search Omni by Title to see if Queen's Library has the book origins of theater in ancient greece.  Omit initial articles (the, an, a).  Ignore punctuation and case.

Finding Books

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   ML159-360 (music history & criticism, by country)
   ML3545-3776 (National music: blues, folk, jazz, ethnic, etc.) 
   ML3797 (Musicology: methods of historical research)


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Historical reference compendium allows access to the texts of the Cambridge Histories series. Search or browse by topic. Relevant for undergraduates, graduates, lecturers and researchers.
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