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Distinguish Yourself with an ORCID iD

Why you should have an ORCID iD

“How can I build a verified record of my research activities, with automatic updating, and that is interoperable with all the different publishers, funders, and institutions I work with?”

ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary, open, non-proprietary, and not-for-profit organization created by the research community to address these common issues:

  1. Disambiguation: allows researchers to distinguish their research activities from others with similar names and affiliations
  2. Credit and attribution: enables researchers to easily and uniquely associate a researcher’s identity to all their research activities (publications, datasets, equipment, articles, media stories, curated exhibits, experiments, patents etc.)
  3. Get found, get counted: your populated ORCID record helps you ensure your work is easily discovered by others (funders, employers etc.)
  4. Manage privacy and identity: empowers researchers to self‐manage their personal privacy whilst preserving the ability for their body of work to be publicly available.
  5. Reduce administrative burden: this common identifier reduces manual data entry through the automatic exchange of publication information across multiple researcher information systems (such as publishers, funders) e.g from manuscript submission to publication 
  6. Portable: your ORCID iD moves with you, across organizations and national boundaries. 

Make Your ORCID iD work for you

Make your ORCID record public (via your ORCID account settings) and include it anywhere you want to ensure others discover the complete profile of your research.  For example: 

  • When prompted in manuscript submission systems, grant applications, and other research workflows including Faculty180
  • On your CV, faculty web page, your signature line
  • Add it to your social network accounts such as Twitter, LinkedIn,, Mendeley, ResearchGate etc.