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A selective guide to information resources in Philosophy at Queen's University Library.


Resources available via the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
New Books in Philosophy
Features podcast discussions with philosophers about their new ideas as expressed in their newly published books. In addition to the Philosophy channel, the network hosts numerous other channels relevant to Philosophy, such as Science, Tehnology and Society, Technology, Sociology, History and Politics. 
Directory of websites.

Wireless Philosophy
Wi-Phi's mission is to introduce people to the practice of philosophy by making videos that are freely available in a form that is entertaining, interesting and accessible to people with no background in the subject.

E-Texts and Archives

John Watson Papers (Printed material, Queen's University Archives)

Bertrand Russell Archives (McMaster University)

Perseus Digital Library (Tufts)
An evolving digital library of resources for the study of the ancient world. Among the many items of interest to philosophers are standard Greek editions of works by Plato and Aristotle.

PhilSci Archive  (University of Pittsburgh)
An archive for pre-prints in the philosophy of science.
Philosopher's Imprint (University of Michigan)
Refereed series of original papers in philosophy.