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Asian Studies

Finding Theses

For additional recommendations beyond the resources listed below, please consult the Library's guide to Finding Theses and Dissertations.

Theses at Queen's:

QSpace: Theses & Dissertations
Queen's theses published since July 2007 are available online via the Queen's institutional repository (QSpace). 
Search full text by keyword in addition to search by author, title, subject and abstract.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ Queen's
Full text online since 1997, with some retrospective full text coverage for older graduate works.
Citations and some abstracts since 1965


Theses Canada
1965 -   (microform)
1998 -   Electronic theses and dissertations are harvested monthly from Canadian universities. However, for those that have been digitized by ProQuest Disserations & Theses, there is a four-year contractual time lag to access fulltext. Available to anyone on the web. 

Older theses may also be available digitally. Please check the Thesis Canada site to locate pre-1998 theses.

Canada and International

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT Global)
A comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world from 1861-present.
Full text since 1997, with strong retrospective full text coverage for older graduate works.
Abstracts since 1980 for doctoral dissertations and since 1988 for masters' theses.
Citations since 1861.

Repositories for Theses & Dissertations

Search for full text of open access dissertations and theses by searching the following sites:
An open database of doctoral dissertations in progress around the world.

United States Theses & Dissertations

A comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world from 1861-present.
Full text since 1997, with strong retrospective full text coverage for older graduate works.
Abstracts since 1980 for doctoral dissertations and since 1988 for masters' theses.
Citations since 1861.

International Theses: Search Tools

  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

    A comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world from 1861-present.
    Full text since 1997.
    Abstracts since 1980 for doctoral dissertations and 1988 for masters' theses.
    Citations since 1861.

  • Citations are indexed in Web of Science in the ProQuest ™ Dissertations & Theses Citation Index collection. 

  • Center for Research Libraries

    CRL holds more than 800,000 doctoral dissertations outside of the U.S. and Canada.
    Search dissertations in the dissertations section of the CRL catalogue.
    Digitized dissertations can be searched in the catalogue's e-resources section.

  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations

    A collection of more than 800,000 international full text theses and dissertations.

  • Google Scholar

    Try searching Google Scholar for theses posted on institutional digital repositories or on personal web pages.

  • ScienceDirect

    A web search engine devoted to Science and Technology.

  • WorldCat

    Search for dissertations, theses and published material based on theses catalogued in WorldCat by OCLC member libraries worldwide.
    In Advanced Search, you can search by author, title, subject, year, and keyword.
    Under Subtype Limits, select Theses/Dissertation from the Any Content menu

International Theses: By Country


  • Österreichische Dissertationsdatenbank

    The Austrian dissertation database contains the bibliographical data of dissertations approved in Austria from 1990 on, and in most cases the relevant abstracts. (This website is hosted by the National Library of Austria).



  • DART-EuropeAccess to full text theses and dissertations from many countries in Europe.

  • Europeana: Additional electronic dissertations from other European libraries.



  • DissOnline

    DissOnline provides information on the subject of electronic university publications. It can be used to find out directly all about online dissertations and post-doctoral theses. Sample documents can be downloaded to provide help in the creation of electronic university publications. For more information about the portal, please go to German National Library website (DNB).


Middle East

  • EThOS

    The Center for Research Libraries and the British Library have made available online 400 UK doctoral theses focusing on the Middle East, Islamic studies, and related subjects. More information.

The Netherlands


    Some Dutch e-theses are available through NARCIS.

South America 

  • Some electronic theses from Bolivia, Brasil, Chile and Peru can be found at Cybertesis.NET, a portal created by the University of Chile (Information Services & Library System) that provides an easily accessible tool to full text electronic theses published in different universities of the world.

For more university/national library catalogues, search for the word University/Universidad and the country (Argentina, Peru, etc.) in Google. Find the link to the library (biblioteca) and search the catalogue for theses (tesis). You may need to click on the advanced search function (búsqueda guíada or búsqueda avanzada) and select tesis as a format or type.


There are several portals/catalogues in Spain for theses and dissertations. Here are some examples listed on Spain’s National Library website:

This is a cooperative repository of digital theses from the University of Cataluña and other autonomous communities (such as Murcia, Cantabria, Barcelona, and Oviedo)



  • NDLTD: National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan is an open full-text permanent archive of scholarly research in Taiwan.


  • EThOS: Access to doctoral dissertations (paper and electronic) from UK institutions of higher education.

Preparing & Submitting Your Theses at Queen's

Purchasing Theses

  • Theses that are not available for loan or download, can usually be purchased.
  • Costs vary as to format of reproduction (unbound paper copies or PDF files).
  • Copies of North American theses can be purchased via Dissertation Express.
  • Search Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global to find the order number, author and title of the thesis you would like to purchase.


Queen's Theses
Queen’s Theses do not circulate.

Theses from Other Institutions

Queen’s students, faculty and staff can submit a request for the item via interlibrary loan. In order to obtain a thesis or dissertation from another institution, you will need the following information: author, title, date and institution.

It may be possible to borrow a thesis without cost to you although only a few libraries will lend copies of their theses. Please indicate in the Special Instructions area that only a loan is desired. If this is not possible, the Interlibrary Loan staff will get back to you.