Workshops, or information sessions, are being developed that may be of interest to Queen's faculty, anyone involved in teaching in the classroom or online, anyone involved in the development of curriculum, and anyone involved in the construction of course sites. In the coming months, workshops that provide an overview of the information within this guide will be offered on a regular basis. Additional workshops that address topics of interest, such as artificial intelligence, media production and requested topics, will also be offered. The workshops will be offered both in person and online and it is anticipated that slides from both in person and online workshops as well as closed captioned recordings of online workshops will be made available within a dedicated onQ course site. Information about the dedicated onQ course site will be made available on this page.
Each workshop will be approximately 1 hour in length, including 40-45 minutes of content delivery and 15-20 minutes for questions from attendees.
A schedule of dates, times, locations/links will be made available on this page and will be promoted on Queen's University Library's News page.
If you would like to suggest a workshop topic and/or schedule a workshop for yourself, a group of colleagues, or for an upcoming department meeting, please contact Meaghan Shannon, Copyright Librarian:
Coming soon: Workshops are also available for students, researchers, and staff.