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Romantic Literature


Omni includes content from the various research databases to which QUL subscribes but not everything is included.

If you are looking for information on a very specific topic, or a topic that is subject specific, it is recommended that you search databases that specialize in that subject area for more thorough results.

How to Search for a Journal in Omni

Once you’re in Omni: 

• Select "Journal Search" from the top    menu
• Type in the name of the journal
• Press 

Both print journals and e-journals will appear in your search results if we have access to them. Check the extent of our print holdings and or the years covered online.

Journal Articles

The Queen's University Library offers access to many databases providing citations to journal articles, and, in many cases, the full text of articles dealing with authors and their works. 

All of the following resources can be accessed from off-campus but you will need to enter your Queen's netid and password in order to use them.

Key Journal Indexes

This is the standard bibliography for scholarly writing on literature, linguistics, drama, folklore, etc. Indexes over 4,000 international journals, as well as monographs, dissertations, and other publications.
Searchable database of more than 350,000 works of English and American poetry, drama, and prose. Also indexes criticism from The Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL) and MLA International Bibliography (MLAIB), and includes the full text of 104 specialist literature journals.
The LRC is a complete literature reference database rich in biographical, bibliographical, and critical content.

Other Relevant Databases

Historical Abstracts
Index to scholarly literature on world history from 1450 to present (excluding the U.S. and Canada)

Collection of articles from key periodicals (413 literature and language titles are indexed), excluding the most current 2-5 years of a title.

Project Muse
A collection of peer-reviewed electronic journals in the arts, humanities, etc. (including 187 literature journals).

Bibliography of British and Irish History
Covers history of the British Isles and the Brtish Empire from 55 B.C. to the present.

Freely Available on the Web

Persuasions The Jane Austen Journal On-line
Peer-reviewed ejournal of the Jane Austen Society of North America.

Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net
International Refereed Electronic Journal devoted to British Nineteenth-Century Literature.




Why Use a Index?

Use an article index to find journal articles on your topic, as well as criticism and other materials related to literature. 

Some will contain the full text of journals and those that don't usually provide links to the full text if it is available via other databases in our collection.

Evaluate Articles

Articles are important in your research as they contain the most-up-to-date research in a given field and often focus on a particular aspect of a topic.

But not all journal articles will be useful for your essay so you will need to evaluate before you use them. Articles in scholarly journals are peer-reviewed—they have gone through an anonymous formal vetting and editing process—whereas articles in magazines or newspapers are accepted at the discretion of a single editor.

For more information, consult our guide, Distinguishing Scholary from Non Scholarly Periodicals, to discover the difference.

Featured Journals