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Romantic Literature

Biographical Information

Consult biographical dictionaries to get brief information about people, dates and events. Some to consider include:

Dictionary of Literary Biography

The DLB is a specialist biographical dictionary dedicated to literature. Published by Gale, the 375-volume set covers a wide variety of literary topics, periods, and genres, with a focus on American and British literature.

Note the following volumes:

British Romantic Poets, 1789-1832 First Series (volume 93)

British Romantic Poets, 1789-1832 Second Series  (Volume 96)

British Romantic Novelists, 1789-1832 (volume 116)
PR861 .B74 1992 (SL Reference)

British Romantic Prose Writers, 1789-1832 First Series (volumes 107)

British Romantic Prose Writers, 1789-1832 Second Series (volume 110)

The DNB is the national record of men and women who have shaped British history and culture, worldwide, from the Romans to the 21st century.

The Dictionary offers concise, up-to-date biographies written by named, specialist authors and is updated annually three times.

Literature Resource Center offers biographies, bibliographies, and critical analyses of more than 120000 authors from every age and literary discipline.