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Romantic Literature

Why Consult a Reference Resource?

Reference resources are a great place to begin your research.  They can help you define terms as well as to find basic information about a topic, a chronicle of its history, theories, key people and sometimes a bibliography of additional sources. 

There are many different types of reference sources, which include dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, bibliographies, handbooks, companions,  gazetteers, and style manuals to name a few.


Literary Research and the British Romantic Era : Strategies and Sources
PR457 .K44 2005
This title explores primary and secondary research resources of this prolific era.  

Selected Author Resources

Oxford Companion to the Brontës
PR4167.A3 O94 2003t

Oxford Handbook of Percy Bysshe Shelley
PR5438 .O94 2013

Oxford Handbook of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
PR4484 .O94 2009

Search Omni by the title, Cambridge companions to literature.  Some of the titles retrieved include:

The Cambridge Companion to Mary Wollstonecraft
 PR5841.W8 Z64 2002

The Cambridge Companion to Shelley
PR5438 .C36t 2006

The Cambridge Companion to Byron
PR4381 .C3423 2004

The Cambridge Companion to William Blake

The Cambridge Companion to Wordsworth
 PR5888 .C27 2003

The Cambridge Companion to Keats

The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen
 PR4036 .C3 1997

Featured Resources

Cambridge Companions are a series of authoritative guides, written by leading experts, offering surveys to major writers, artists, philosophers, topics, and periods.

Oxford Handbooks offer authoritative and up-to-date surveys of original research in a particular subject area.