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Romantic Literature

Finding Bibliographies

Bibliographies are useful for finding the most important publications on a given topic and can range from the general to the specific. There are specialized bibliographies on individual authors, genres, topics and periods. 

To find bibliographies in Omni, search by keyword by typing bibliography or reference guide and topical keyword or search the following subject headings.

English literature--19th century--History and criticism--Bibliography.
English literature--18th century--History and criticism--Bibliography.
English poetry--19th century--Bibliography.
English poetry--18th century--Bibliography.                      

One title retrieved:

Literature of the Romantic Period : a Bibliographical Guide
A selective, critical guide to the best and the most typical in scholarship and criticism on literature of the Romantic period, 1780-1830.                 

To find bibliographies for individual authors, search for the author's name as a subject and add the subject sub-heading bibliography, if available.

In Advanced Search, type the following: 

Examples of subject searches: 

Blake, William, 1757-1827--Bibliography                      
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834--Bibliography                      
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 1792-1822--Bibliography
Wordsworth, William, 1770-1850--Bibliography.                         

Some titles retrieved include:

Twentieth-century Blake Criticism : Northrop Frye to the Present
Z8103 .N37 1982

Wordsworth Scholarship and Criticism
Z8985 .J66 1985 (Compact Shelving)                

Bibliographies like Oxford Bibliographies offer authoritative research guides helping you to narrow the vast number of citations to the best scholarship on a given topic.

Check the research guide, British and Irish Literature, as well as the individual essays on

  • William Blake
  • Jane Austen
  • Lord Byron
  • John Keats
  • William Wordsworth
  • Mary Wollstonecraft
  • Romanticism