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Romantic Literature

Library Databases

Burney Collection of 17th and 18th Century Newspapers
The newspapers, pamphlets, and books gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757-1817) represent the largest and most comprehensive collection of early English news media.

British Periodicals
This unique digital archive provides the full text of almost 500 periodical runs published from the 1680s to the 1930s. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the fine arts and the social sciences.

Nineteenth Century Collections Online

Eighteenth Century Collections Online

Eighteenth Century Journals

Times Digital Archive (1765-1985)

Literature Online (LION)
See full-text transcriptions of works.  

English Poetry (2nd edition)

Early English Prose Fiction

Journal Titles

Gentleman's Magazine

The Annual Register

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society

  • Years 1757-1775 (volumes 50-65) are available via JSTOR

Notes and Queries

The Builder

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine






London (William Blake poem)

Selected Romantic Era Periodicals in the QUL libraries

Edinburgh Review
AP4 .E2 (SL Bound Journals)

The Gentleman's Magazine

Quarterly Review
AP4 .Q15 (SL Bound Journals)

The Westminster Review
AP4 .W5 (Sl Bound Journals and on Microfilm)
Also online via British Periodicals