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Indigenous Knowledges and Perspectives

Reference Materials

Consult reference materials (encyclopaedias, dictionaries, biographies, and bibliographies) to get a broad overview of a subject, a concise overview of a concept, school of thought, event or person.

It’s worth noting that reference sources are very traditional in the sense that they are produced primarily by subject specialists – often ethnographers – explaining issues from an outside perspective. For this reason, it’s important to practice critical information literacy as you use them. How a group is classified within an encyclopedia, for example, may be contrary to their self‐determination. Sources listed with an asterisk (*) have been suggested by Indigenous scholars, or include substantial contributions by Indigenous scholars.

To find additional reference sources, do a subject search in Omni with the subject heading "Indians of North America--Biography," or whatever reference material you're hoping to find (for example: Indians of North America--Encyclopedia).

Broadening your own understanding

The following list consists of briefs produced by Indigenous peoples on current political issues affecting Indigenous communities, as well as popular misconceptions about Indigeneity in Canada. This list is not exhaustive, but could be a helpful place to start: