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Intermediate Senior English

Resources for teaching English at the intermediate-senior level.

National Council of Teachers of English Journals

While at Queen's you have full access to some of the National Council of Teacher Education journals (print and/or online)

  • Classroom Notes Plus - a collection of innovative ideas and lesson plans for middle level, junior high, and high school English language arts teachers. Was published from September 1983 through April 2011
  • English Journal - the NCTE journal for high school English teachers. It presents information on the teaching of writing and reading, literature, and language, and includes information on how teachers are putting the latest technologies to work in their classrooms
  • English Education - serves teachers engaged in the preparation, support, and continuing education of teachers of English language arts/literacy at all levels of instruction
  • Voices from the Middle - the NCTE journal for middle school English teachers. Offers articles on research and best practices in middle level reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the visual and language arts
  • Research in the Teaching of English - Original research and scholarly essays on the relationships between language teaching and learning at al levels, preschool through adult
  • Teaching English in the Two-Year College

Subject Databases

Search for Articles

From the Library Home Page, click on Databases, then type Education Source: 1,700 journals and 550 books in full text. Add a search concept in each separate box to focus your result set.


Concept 1: shakespeare

Concept 2: romeo and juliet

Concept 3: strategies or guide* or lesson* or curriculum or teaching or classroom techniques

Concept 4: secondary (select the subject field)