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Intermediate Senior Music


Access to these databases is provided using your Queen's NetID.

Music Index
Publication Coverage: 1970 to present
Provides cover to cover indexing and abstracts of articles about music, musicians, and the music industry, as well as book reviews, performace reviews, obituaries, and news.

Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
An extensive resource devoted to music cultures around the world. Browse by places, cultural groups, subjects, instruments, or genres.

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
Publication Coverage: 1967 to present (updated monthly)

Oxford Reference Online - Music
A selection of music dictionaries, companions, and other reference works published by Oxford University Press.

Oxford Scholarship Online - Music
A collection of ebooks, published by Oxford University Press, in the field of music.  Click on "Advanced Search, " select "Arts and Humanities," and then "Music". You can narrow your search further with keywords, titles, etc.  

Music Online: Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries
A virtual encyclopedia of the world's musical and aural traditions. The collection provides educators, students, and interested listeners with an unprecedented variety of online resources that support the creation, continuity, and preservation of diverse musical forms.

Encyclopedia of Popular Music
Publication Coverage: 1900 to present.

Classical Scores Library
Publication Coverage: 15th to 21st centuries.