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Intermediate Senior Music


Society for American Music
The Society for American Music is dedicated to the study, teaching, creation, and dissemination of all musics in the Americas.

Encyclopedia of Music in Canada
Over 3100 articles and 500 illustrations. Freely accessible online.
The English and French print versions are now subsumed by The Canadian Encyclopedia and updated online by Historica Canada. These combined sources are still the most authoritative first point of reference for researching the music of Canada.
See specific topics such as "marius barbeau" or the chapter on Ethnomusicology in general.

Stearns Collection of Musical Instruments
From the University of Michigan, this site provides information about a wide variety of instruments from many different countries and cultures around the world.

Music in Motion
Over 7000 music, movement, and dance education resources and music-related gifts for all ages.

The Kennedy Center's Digital Resources Library
Infuse the arts into your educational practices with our robust collection of free digital learning resources.

All Music
Information, reviews, editor's picks, news releases.

Midnight Music
How to use an interactive whiteboard in the music classroom.

The Coalition for Music Education
"The Coalition for Music Education was founded in 1992 when representatives of more than 20 music education organizations came together to share ideas to improve the state of music education in Canada. The Coalition quickly began working with parents and other concerned citizens to address concerns about music in schools." website.