You can search MEDLINE using PubMed or the Ovid interface. PubMed is a free resource that you will always be able to access, whereas Ovid MEDLINE is a proprietary resource that has been purchased by Queen's University Library. The Ovid interface and may be more user-friendly for new searchers than PubMed and provides a consistent look and feel if searchers will be accessing other databases on the Ovid platform such as Embase, Cochrane CENTRAL, PsycINFO, Global Health, and AMED.
The library provides access to two different interfaces for searching Cochrane Library: Wiley or Ovid. If your review will only be synthesizing primary studies, there is no need to search all of Cochrane Library (which also includes the Database of Systematic Reviews), instead, limit your search to Cochrane CENTRAL to retrieve trials only.
Deciding where to search for studies will largely depend on the review type and topic. A comprehensive search approach is often the goal, as systematic reviews and some other syntheses attempt to identify all evidence for a given research question. Locating studies for syntheses often includes searching for both published and unpublished ("grey") literature. |
Studies for your syntheses may be found in the form of:
Bibliographic/citation databases contain bibliographic information (e.g., citation information and abstracts) for sources of literature. The databases compared and listed below predominantly include bibliographic records of journal articles, but some also contain records for conference abstracts/papers, preprints, dissertations, and more.
Queen's University Library provides access to broad coverage databases in the health sciences (such as Ovid MEDLINE and Embase) as well as smaller subject-specific databases (such as PsycINFO and CINAHL). See the Database Comparison further down this page to learn more about some of these databases.
Directly below is a list of the most popular health sciences databases that Queen's has access to. It is not a comprehensive list of potentially relevant databases. Depending on your review topic, it may also be appropriate to search in databases from other disciplines such as the social sciences, law or education. To discover more databases that might be relevant for your topic, try the Browse Databases by Subject feature on the library website or speak with a librarian.
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database, including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, quality web sources.
Date Coverage: 1788-present (updated daily)
PubMed/ |
Embase |
PsycINFO |
Cochrane Library |
Web of |
BIOSIS Previews |
Years: |
1946- |
1947-present |
1980- |
1806- |
Varies by database |
1900- |
1926- present |
Journals: |
>6,500 |
> 8,500 |
>3,100 |
>2,500 |
N/A |
>33,000 |
>5,500 |
Records: |
> 38 million |
> 45 million |
~8 million |
> 5 million |
>1 million |
>92 million |
> 18 million |
Record Types: |
Mainly journal articles |
Journal articles, conference abstracts/papers, preprints |
Journal and magazine articles, dissertations, books |
Journal articles, book chapters, dissertations |
High-quality controlled trials and systematic reviews |
Journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings |
Journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, patents |
Subjects Included: |
Biomedicine incl. allied health, biological and physical sciences and humanities |
Biomedicine, pharmacology, toxicology, life sciences, and healthcare admin |
Nursing, biomedicine, allied health and alternative medicine | Psychological literature incl. social, behavioral, and health sciences | Evidence for healthcare interventions and diagnostic assessment | Multidisciplinary incl. science, technology, education, humanities & social sci | Life sciences: biotechnology, neuroscience, pharmacology, toxicology, and zoology |
Subject |
MeSH |
Emtree |
APA Thesaurus Terms |
MeSH, but only for some records |
N/A |
N/A |
Ovid and PubMed |
Ovid |
Ebsco |
Ovid and |
Ovid and |
Web of |
Web of Science |
Notes: |
No need to search both Ovid MEDLINE and PubMed |
Aka Ovid EBM Reviews |
Hand-searching relevant journals page by page can be incredibly time-consuming but it may identify additional studies that have been missed by database search strategies or studies from journals that are not covered in electronic databases.
Research evidence:
Databases may not index conference proceedings, and even if they do, coverage may be limited. Hand-searching relevant conference proceedings that are available on association or conference websites may identify additional relevant studies.
Once you have identified eligible studies for your knowledge synthesis by searching the appropriate resources above, it is best practice to then check the reference lists of these studies to identify any additional studies. The reference lists of related reviews may also help to identify additional studies. |
Research evidence:
Citation indexes such as Web of Science (or the search engine Google Scholar) can be used for cited reference searching. Citation reference searching allows you to identify where eligible studies have later been cited to see if this identifies any additional studies. |
For example, if you search for a relevant study in Google Scholar you will see a "Cited by..." link underneath the study information that indicates how many times the study has been cited (unless the study has not yet been cited). You can follow this link to view where the study has been cited to see if this locates any additional studies.
McAuley, L., Pham, B., Tugwell, P., & Moher, D. (2000). Does the inclusion of grey literature influence estimates of intervention effectiveness reported in meta-analyses? The Lancet, 356(9237), 1228–1231.
Papaioannou, D., Sutton, A., Carroll, C., Booth, A., & Wong, R. (2009). Literature searching for social science systematic reviews: consideration of a range of search techniques. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 27(2), 114–122.
Schmucker, C. M., Blümle, A., Schell, L. K., Schwarzer, G., Oeller, P., Cabrera, L., … Consortium, on behalf of the O. (2017). Systematic review finds that study data not published in full text articles have unclear impact on meta-analyses results in medical research. PLOS ONE, 12(4).
Stansfield, C., Dickson, K., & Bangpan, M. (2016). Exploring issues in the conduct of website searching and other online sources for systematic reviews: how can we be systematic? Systematic Reviews, 5(1).