Consult bibliographies to find a comprehensive list of sources on a specific topic or a selective list of key works on a topic. To find out what bibliographies the Library has, do a subject search in Omni.
Bibliography of Canadian and Comparative Federalism, 1986
REF Z1387 .F4 R4 1988t
Canadian Political Parties, 1867-1968: a Historical Bibliography 
REF Z7165.C2H43
An annotated bibliography concerning Canada's federal political history that indexes books, articles and theses published before 1970. Has author and subject indexes.
Contemporary Canadian Politics: an Annotated Bibliography, 1970-1987
REF Z1385.M35 1988
Provides a classified list of books, pamphlets, articles and government documents in various languages. Has subject and author index.
Lists books, journals, primary documents, web resources, and multimedia in various discipline-based subject modules including International Relations.