If Queen's University Library's copy of a book is signed out, you can request a copy from one of our Omni partner libraries. Be sure to sign into Omni in order to access the available options. If you don't need the entire book you can request a specific chapter.
When there is a specific title you are looking for, Advanced search can be more efficient than a Basic search, as Advanced search allows you to narrow the search to a particular title or author and/or format.
The following is an example of a reference (also known as a citation) to a book:
Mills, C. Wright. 1959. The Sociological Imagination. New York: Oxford University Press.
To discover whether or not Queen's Library owns this book, click on Advanced search from beneath the Omni search box on the library homepage:
In the Advanced search page, select "Title field" , choose "starts with", type in the title, and select the appropriate "Resource Type," in this case, Books & eBooks and click search:
If the library owns the book it will come up in your search results. Click on the title to open the full record for the book, which will include information about the book's availability, the call number (if the book is a print book), bibliographic details about the book (title, author, publication date, subjects, publisher etc.) as well as useful tools that you can use to organize, save and cite your search results.
Remember to sign in to get complete results and to request items
If you did not choose to limit by Resource Type (to books & ebooks) you can apply a filter AFTER you have executed your search. Useful filters include Availability - choose Available in Queen's Library for physical books, and Available online for ebooks, and Resource Type where you can limit to Books & eBooks:
Click Apply Filters after your selections: