Throughout the research process it is important for you to keep track of your information sources. Fortunately, many of the electronic databases you will be using (including Omni and Sociological Abstracts) offer you the option to download, print or email the citations to the material you find . This is a great way to keep track of the information you're considering.
Citing sources is a key part of your research: it documents what sources you have used in writing your paper and gives credit to an author's work that you have used. It also gives information to identify and retrieve the cited sources.
There are many citation styles available and the preferred style varies between disciplines. Sociology uses the ASA style. Based on the American Sociological Association Style Guide, the Department of Sociology has produced its own ASA Style Guide Style and Reference Guide for Undergraduate Essays. Refer to this Style and Reference Guide for information on how to cite different types of material and how to reference an author's ideas. You will also find a link to this style guide in your SOCY 122 OnQ course website.
Some library databases, including Omni and Sociological Abstracts, provide a citation tool that allows you to generate a citation in a specified citation style format. In Omni, use the citation icon to select one of ten different citation styles and generate a citation to the item.
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