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Teaching for Truth and Reconciliation

This guide is meant to assist you in implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action in the classroom.

Lesson Plans on Cultural Bias

  • Creating Racism-Free Schools through Critical/Courageous Conversations on Race
    Produced by the government of Manitoba, this document is meant to encourage "school divisions, schools, teachers, parents, and students to undertake critical and courageous conversations on racism to create inclusive and equitable classrooms and schools for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students and all students."

  • Looking at Race and Racial Identity in Children's Books
    This lesson is meant to teach critical literacy skills.

  • Pre-Colombian Native Peoples and Technology
    This lesson plan was produced by the American organization Teaching Tolerance, and so terminology used would be considered inappropriate in Canada. Still, it's helpful in getting students to reflect on their unconscious cultural biases. To avoid presenting Indigenous Peoples as historical, adding in content about present day Indigenous Peoples is advised.

  • What Do Halloween Costumes Say?
    Produced by Teaching Tolerance: "This lesson, adaptable across grades, is designed to help students look critically at the different Halloween costumes marketed to them in the media and other places."