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Engineering Design and Practice Sequence (EDPS)

Information Resources and Management for Engineering Design and Practice Sequence (EDPS)

Engineering Handbooks

Engineering handbooks are reference books written for technical professionals that provide quick access to information such as fundamental equations, definitions, simulations, and experimental data. They are written by recognized experts in the field, and extensively reviewed. Because of the review process and time involved in creating handbooks they are considered highly authoritative, though usually not as "cutting edge", as academic journals.

Core Collections

Publication coverage: Varies by title
Knovel provides access to thousands of reference books and databases in major engineering areas. Many titles come with interactive tools that allow you to work on engineering and scientific data and create your own tables and graphs. 
Overview of Knovel.

Find Books

All of these e-books and other print books can be searched on Omni, the library's search interface.

If the book is available in print check the location to find out which library has your book (Stauffer, Eng/Sci etc).  The call number tells you where to find the book on the shelf (Engineering and Science Library floorplans).