Omni, Queen's Library catalog to find books, conferences, exhibition catalogues and other material formats.Use
Boolean search operators
AND, OR, NOT to combine terms, do phrase searching or truncate terms. To find examples of theses type "art conservation queen's into Omni and limit to resource type Theses and Dissertations. Links lead to the full text.
Narrow or refine search by adding other terms: e.g.
painting AND restoration
art AND conservation AND congresses
Broaden search using the * symbol for variable word endings or by using OR between similar or possible terms nested in brackets: e.g.
textile* AND (silk OR cotton) (Note the nested (i.e. bracketed) search for similar terms, in conjunction with AND.
papermaking AND (hand OR manual*)
wood AND deteriorat* AND (conserv* OR preserv* OR restor*)
art AND conservation AND video* (for all types of videorecordings)
caravaggio AND exhibition* AND ottawa
Use quotes around a phrase or concept: e.g.
"iron gall ink"
"material culture" AND (aborigin* OR indigen* OR native OR "first nation*")
Limit large result sets by library location or by using NOT: e.g.
painting* AND restor* AND oil NOT acrylic*
glass AND conservation NOT ceramic*
"material culture" (can further limit to a library - e.g. "Stauffer" or "Art Collection" )
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