Mergent Online
Information on thousands of active and inactive U.S., Canadian and international public companies. Includes 15 years of detailed financial statements, fundamental data, key financial ratios, earnings estimates, stock information, business descriptions, and current headline news. Edgar and Sedar filings. Also economic data and country insights.
Includes Investext database - equity analyst reports on global public companies.
Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) Refilings and Errors List
Canadian errors and refilings 2020-2023 (Globe & Mail)
Covers more than 100 million private US, Canadian and global businesses and over 6000 US public companies.
Includes global corporate family trees, job search and executive search capabilities and multifaceted advanced search functionality.
Also First Research industry reports, US census data and Key Business Ratios (KBR).
Generate company lists by size, industry, location and other criteria.
Use the databases described in Articles (start with ProQuest One Business and Business Source Premier)
to learn more about companies and brands and the industries they're in. Search company names and people, use 'keywords' that describe the product, brand, technology, or industry sector. In business research no single article or source will provide all the answers. Bits of Information from a variety of sources will start to add up to a coherent picture.
... are the primary source of corporate financial information for publicly-held companies. A public company's annual report, 10K(U.S. only) and sustainability reports are available on its website. If the company is private, financial detail is generally not available. More... finding annual reports.
Mergent Historical Annual Reports Archive US, Canadian and international company annual reports in pdf format dating back to the early 1900’s and through to the present.
ProQuest Historical Annual Reports Annual reports of over 800 U.S. companies from 1844 - present